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Peabiru and the Sailor's Farewell,2023

Maria Vaz and Marlon de Paula


Fruit of the artistic residencyTransient Stay, carried out by ADRO +,Peabiru and the Sailor's Farewell it is a spiral of times that coexist in the same territory - where São João Del-Rei is located -, or of spaces that exist through the succession of times. Inside a room, there is a hThis is a story that begins almost two billion years ago along with others that, to us, in the short time of our lives, seem very ancient, but that in the time of stones happened yesterday. There is the slow formation of lichens and dendrites alongside the creation of pre-colonial paintings, or stories without a precise demarcation of time, common to different places and peoples, alongside historical eventss that gain new narratives and end up being incorporated into the collective imagination. 
Peabiru and the Sailor's Farewell is more of a process than a result, more of a discovery than a presentation. An invitation to find that something magical and fantastic that we discovered during this month of residence.

Millions of years later, in front of the path that led to the hinterland, the sailor says goodbye to the sea. 
Time, compressed into wave forms, traces of centuries of comings and goings of water over the earth, could only be truly perceived by the oldest beings. These saw small organic materials form very slowly on their own bodies and, in an instant, generations of a city learned to speak with the bells. They saw, in seconds, the formation of kilometric routes that joined two oceans. They supported pre-colonial drawings and heard the same stories being created and told in extremely separate points, as if shared in dreams.
They saw a sea transform into a hinterland and, yesterday, they said goodbye to the sailor.

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