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Isolation Portraits , 2020

For about three months during the pandemic period and the consequent social isolation caused by Covid-19, I invited fifty-four people to a remote meeting through a virtual platform. I asked them to respond, silently, how has it been for each of them, the period of social isolation. The silent responses were photographed and recorded by screen capture. The Isolation Portraits, made with a series of people in Brazil, Germany, Argentina, the United Kingdom and Portugal, are testimonies recorded and captured in a single record on the computer screen, so that on the film roll and on the contact sheet these people could be seen side by side. The option for the film comes with the desire to give physical shape to these virtual encounters and, thus, make them a little more palpable, close and singular. The portraits reflect, therefore, the feelings generated by the isolation and the means of possible adaptation in a contemporary society that communicates and interacts between screens.

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